Snowmobile Trail Pass Locations
In Season Trail Pass Sales Locations for Snowmobile
You may register online and we will mail your trail passes ASAP, maps will be mailed out when finalized before opening day. Or call (570)780-5381 to make arrangements with the club secretary (we do not have regular office hours)
Or visit one of the following locations:
Convenient Food Mart
931 Main St.
Simpson, Pa 18407
570-282-5505 / http://www.eleganteforestcity.com www.cfmsimpson.com
Elegante Restaurant & Pizzeria
315 Main St
Forest City, PA 18421
570-785-4100/ Also on Facebook www.eleganteforestcity.com
Cube Auto Supply
429 Main St.
Forest City PA 18421
570-785-9000 / www.cubeautosupply.com
Simpler Times
1318 North Main St.
Forest City, Pa 18421
570-785-8463/ Simpler Times Facebook
Speakeasy Saloon and Resort
9201 Rt 171
Union Dale, Pa 18470
570-679-2100 / Also on Facebook www.speakeasysaloonresort.com
Lakewood Lodge
P.O. Box 65
RT 370
Lakewood PA 18439
570-798-2565 / Also on Facebook palakewoodlodge.com
Red Schoolhouse
2052 Great Bend Turnpike
Honesdale PA 18431
570-448-2130/ Also on Facebook www.theredschoolhouse.com
Jakes Elk Lake Tavern
25 Lizzys Land
Waymart, Pa 18407
570-488-5585/ Also on Facebook
Gravity Inn
P.O. Box 94
40 Gravity Planes Rd
Waymart PA 18472
570-488-6918 / Also on Facebook www.gravityinn.com